I did a scaled down version of the Lumberjack 20, a Hero WOD. In place of the heavier weights, the (sadistic) coach added some more running to compensate. The WOD itself for me was as follows (I had to still lower some weights and heights)... I dropped the overhead squat (OHS) to 35 lbs after 5 reps to maintain intensity, box jump to 14", and scaled pull-up down to assisted pull-up. I completed this in all of 40 minutes, which included a 5 minute emergency bathroom break where I wasn't sure if something had to come out of either end.
For the record, the deadlifts were by far the easiest part at only 105 lbs and only 20 reps. The goblet squats were surprisingly nasty even with the 35 lb kettlebell.
I left puddles of sweat everywhere and my temperature is still a bit elevated from this WOD. It was definitely a very tough WOD intended to beat athletes into a pretty good pulp, I was pretty happy with my overall performance aside from the toilet emergency.
And then there was the group picture that occurred a little too close to my Taekwondo class for me to want to risk not having access to the bathroom/changing room at the studio. Long story short, the two people holding the sign also thought it would be a good idea for me to wear my uniform for the ceremony to show that we are now members of CEP.