I was able to pull off a 5x5 at 155 lbs with hips at or past parallel. I'm almost at body-weight on my 5x5! Now I'm starting to wonder what my 1RM will come out to be!
My deadlifts and bench presses have been pretty stagnant and relatively low, but the squats are creeping up! I'm hoping to ultimately bring up my powerlifting combination past 600 lbs - 165 bench, 180 squat, 250 deadlift = 595 lbs total right now for my best. That 200 lb squat may not be too far away after all! I'm still hopeful for the 300 lb deadlift too, although that one will be a bit of a squeaker from what I've seen of the CrossFit Games!
The (mis)adventures and thoughts of an aspiring master archer, lifter, and fantasy author who happens to be irresistibly drawn towards wolves, raptors, and parrots. They may say there's no such thing as Paradise or Perfection, yet I'm still searching for them. Why do I keep searching? A voice speaks to me and says: "Search for Paradise and aspire for Perfection"...