Sunday, October 07, 2012

Stool Fun

I had two very successful shoots this weekend -- a FITA at Newberry and a Classic 600 at the Villages. It certainly beat just sitting around my butt when I'm on doctor's orders to NOT go to the gym or do anything else worthwhile. I had to shoot seated and limited my walking around to going to/from the car to transport stuff and to the bathroom... which used all of my allowed steps for the day on the doctor's orders. Gack... but I was still able to shoot reasonably well at both events even if my butt is hurting like a real pain in the rear. I'm so tired of sitting on my ever-growing squishy butt! 

694/1440 FITA and 309/600 Classic 600 -- neither was too shabby given I hadn't trained on a stool and didn't train at all this past week. The 600 was especially impressive because I'm not used to American units and it was 40, 50, and 60 yards on a 92 cm target face. I had a single known calibration point -- 50 meters, which is approximately 55 yards. I also chose to shoot single-anchor, partially because I have some trouble with that high anchor with getting a clean release, partially because 40 yards is really awkward for me in terms of gaps no matter where I anchor. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to zero in and my only low/non-scoring shots were from poor releases (it's hard to fully engage my upper back while seated I found).

I wound up with the second highest barebow score at the Villages -- my arch-rival got me by about 80 points but I was the only other barebow who broke 300 today. No idea how I did on the FITA compared to everyone else but I do know I got my tush handed to me on a plate because I was the only barebow around and I needed 2 ends at least to figure out how much of a correction to apply to my gaps. All in all, a very successful weekend with desperately needed physical activity, even if I was stuck seated through most of it except to visit Urinetown (and we're not talking about the musical)!