There was WOD 1, which involved maximizing ground to overhead weight moved in five minutes. Once the weight was selected, it couldn't be changed. I chose a 25 lb dumbbell after realizing that I can't snatch enough weight fast enough.

Then there was WOD 2, which was eight minutes of pain of doing as many rounds as possible of the following: 10 deadlifts, 8 hang power cleans, 6 front squats, 4 shoulder to overheads, and 2 thrusters, all at 65 lbs.

Then there was WOD 3, which was 8 minutes of the following: 500 meter row, 20 devil presses at 10 lbs, 15 box-overs, 10 goblet squats at 10 lbs, and 5 wall walks. All I can say is... holy crap!
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