Click on the title for some amusing pictures for fun :)
Who knows how many more installments of FAQs I'm going to be doing... Might as well be doing this while my stomach is rebelling against me yet again and my brain has also decided to go on strike.
Q: What's with the fascination with para-ketones?
A: Well... there was a bit of an inside joke between me and a friend about parakeets and organic synthesis. It kinda started because my neighbor/landlord in S. Pasadena had this really neurotic little conure (the parrot equivalent of a Pomeranian with the small stature and disproportionately loud and shrill calls) who seemed to be a lot nicer to females than males. Around the same time, my friend and I were also taking organic chemistry and we were going through tons and tons of nomenclature stuff. This included phenolic groups and how to refer to the various configurations a pair of constituents can be named -- ortho-, meta-, and para-. Long story short, it just sounded really, really funny to think about para-ketones.
Q: Will there ever be anymore Geekster concerts now that the three of them have embraced their Tuatha roots?
A: No clue. Maybe, maybe not.
Q: Are there going to be more potty jokes in future installments?
A: Most likely. Especially if Killer Parakeet returns and/or if I decide to focus on Dr. Castro and Dr. Pichardo.
Q: Will we ever find out more about Captain Greywolf?
A: Maybe, maybe not. After all, her adventures are still continuing as I type.
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