She's finally arrived after all this waiting! It's going to take a while to get her tuned up as the string stretches and I get used to this set-back grip after shooting handle-forward for a long time, but things are looking reasonably good. I'm getting a lot of nock-high flight and it looks like my best candidate for an arrow is a full-length Gold Tip 3555 Hunter arrow, although that may change as I get used to her quirks. Here's some stats on the new member of my family:
Make/Model: Chek-Mate Longhorn
Draw weight: 47 lbs @ 25"
Length: 58"
Woods: Pacific Yew limbs, Greybark Actionwood core, Chechen & Bolivian Rosewood riser
Name: Tehanu (after one of my favorite characters in Ursula LeGuinn's
Earthsea books, this is one fiery little bow although I'm kinda relieved that I didn't have to go to 5575 Gold Tips. Certainly a fast one though, even if she's not shooting a stiff of a spine as some of my other bows for that weight.)

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