Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the two releases.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the two releases.
Conclusion: There is. The Sweet Spot 4 anchors a bit better on me and even though the groups aren't as tight as the ones on the Saber-Tooth. In theory, a back-tension release should produce tighter groups, but when the release goes off whenever it wants, sometimes it goes off right when I don't want it to like when I'm trying to let-down or when a mosquito bites me and I twitch involuntarily. The Saber-Tooth caliper is really hard on the wrist and it's harder for me to anchor properly, but it goes off when I want it to go off. Only problem is that the string also moves from its usual place on my face (on the side of my nose) to in front of my nose. Many people do use the tip of their nose as a "draw check" on a compound. My problem is that I'm Asian and I don't have the longer noses that your typical Southern compound shooter has, but then again, there's less of a chance of me doing anything embarrassing to myself :)