Then I had the critical fumble of the millenium. My string loop took a bit of a munching at the 900 and I went to the pro-shop to chat with some friends and get things checked out. Two of my friends had been shooting a Vegas-style round and I decided to join in, thinking things were going to be ok until we were done. And then... it all happened at once. As I drew back one of many shots as I always did, I suddenly felt the back-tension release go off before I hit full anchor and the bow kicked back as it was supposed to and it fell at my feet, bouncing like a robotic Tigger. When I picked the bow up, my friend (a master bow-mechanic and wonderful mentor) evaluated the damage. My upper cam was severely bent and my string loop was no longer a loop. So now my poor Equalizer is sitting in line at the shop for some serious repair work. With the number of bow accidents I've been having, I'm starting to think that maybe there's a curse, perhaps from trusty little Sorondil-Telcontar in his (yes, I see the bow as male) envy at the other bows that have come into my life. Or maybe I just got a badly weighted 20-sided die and I've been rolling a lot of 1's.
Speaking of rolling 1's, I think I may've just missed a saving throw somewhere, either one versus spells (for you AD&D types) or a Will Save (for you 3rd/3.5th edition types) or maybe a Reflex Save (also 3/3.5)... I need to re-roll and hope I can get a better roll after improving my odds of making the save...
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