All in all, it was a successful lesson. I had 4 students -- a fellow forester, a colleague from botany and her husband and son -- and they were a pretty good group. Aside from minor arrow damage and my students realizing there some muscles they've never really used, it was a nice, casualty-free gathering. I think I did a good job of scaring people away from shooting a high-end compound, although the second-hand Mini-Genesis that I've been tinkering with to hone in on my own bow mechanic skills did come in very handy. It's a real blast teaching basic archery, especially traditional. I think I also made some people's days by letting them have a taste of Lord of the Rings and realizing that it's not as out of reach as it seems to be. Sure, I got a lot of orc jokes about the Equalizer, but I also got a lot of comments about being like an elf with the longbow!

Gotta train the little one too! We're the fighting Uruk-hai! Rawr!!!

Gotta work on my follow-up a bit...

I'm gonna shoot that little spot! (I would also hit my own arrows... thank goodness for these tough X7 Eclipses!)

Ouch! I just hit my arm!

Where's the big dot?

I challenge you to a duel! Closest to the target wins!