Sunday, March 09, 2025

Brick City Open 2025 1/n

 So there's probably going to be more as photography trickles in from Valkyrie Photography and my fellow powerlifters. It was a success - 8/9 successful lifts and a total that's up 10 kg from my last meet. I knew I was going to be pretty conservative going in given the events leading up to it: the USA Archery Indoor Nationals, couple rounds of antibiotics, and probably enough stress to finish off an orcish warrior.

I totaled 292.5 kg and got three competition PR's: 95 kg squat (lifetime), 55 kg bench (competition), and 142.5 kg deadlift.

I have to give a huge shoutout to my coach R. Allen, who convinced me to try powerlifting and got me hooked, and my handler, E. Valentin, someone I probably would ask to be my coach if I didn't have a coach! 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

USA Archery Indoor Nationals 2025

 We're still waiting for results from one of the other sites (probably Chula Vista, CA), but I shot pretty well overall! Day 1: 462/600. Day 2: 459/600. Total: 921/1200. 

Photographs below are courtesy of T. Huynh (also an incredible barebow archer):

Here's some more from day 2:

Monday, January 13, 2025

Raven Rumble 2

 It was quite the showing for Firewolf Robotics! We nailed a gold and a bronze medal in the plastic ant class, having chosen not to compete in the full combat antweight class. 

The fights (minus Killer Parakeet vs Exodus)