Sunday, March 09, 2025

Brick City Open 2025 1/n

 So there's probably going to be more as photography trickles in from Valkyrie Photography and my fellow powerlifters. It was a success - 8/9 successful lifts and a total that's up 10 kg from my last meet. I knew I was going to be pretty conservative going in given the events leading up to it: the USA Archery Indoor Nationals, couple rounds of antibiotics, and probably enough stress to finish off an orcish warrior.

I totaled 292.5 kg and got three competition PR's: 95 kg squat (lifetime), 55 kg bench (competition), and 142.5 kg deadlift.

I have to give a huge shoutout to my coach R. Allen, who convinced me to try powerlifting and got me hooked, and my handler, E. Valentin, someone I probably would ask to be my coach if I didn't have a coach! 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

USA Archery Indoor Nationals 2025

 We're still waiting for results from one of the other sites (probably Chula Vista, CA), but I shot pretty well overall! Day 1: 462/600. Day 2: 459/600. Total: 921/1200. 

Photographs below are courtesy of T. Huynh (also an incredible barebow archer):

Here's some more from day 2:

Monday, January 13, 2025

Raven Rumble 2

 It was quite the showing for Firewolf Robotics! We nailed a gold and a bronze medal in the plastic ant class, having chosen not to compete in the full combat antweight class. 

The fights (minus Killer Parakeet vs Exodus)

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Robot Ruckus at Orlando Maker Faire 2024 1/n

 All fights (minus Helen vs Hell on Wheels) can be found on this link HERE

Killer Parakeet vs Rolling Pin before our fight...

Killer Parakeet went fishing and found a Kraken!

Killer Parakeet did catch a little Kraken as well! 

Killer Parakeet also caught a Narwhal and the driver of Space Junk!

Killer Parakeet says, "BBQ with Gruff, anyone?"

Tentakill? Or Killer Parakeet's dinner?

Killer Parakeet vs Die Five... will the hand slap him away, or will he find something to chew on?

Killer Parakeet vs Hell on Wheels

Antlash the Tikbalang vs Flick. Killer Parakeet is taking a nap...

Antlash the Tikbalang vs Scalar X. Killer Parakeet needed his brown pants for this one. 

I think Killer Parakeet got hungry and wanted some Space Junk for dinner... 

Antlash the Tikbalang vs Swordfish in a grudge match...

Two drivers going slightly batty towards the end of the day... 

And here's to the one and only Madman24 as one of the best commentators I have encountered! It felt weird not fighting any of his robots, but then again, I think Azrael and Beetlejuice would have been a little too much for Antlash!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Belated Update on Build Fight Fun 2024 at Infinity Con

The link to all of the fights is here

Here's a few highlight fights: